Yeah! Upgraded my sump/refugium!

scopus tang

Active Member
Finally got my DIY sump/refugium completed (although in my case it was more of a DIY with your buddies help). Replacing a premade ORCA sump/refugium that was just too small. Used an old 30gal tank. Let me know what you think.
Old ORCA sump/refugium

Here's a top view of the new sump/refugium empty

Created a sub chamber off the overflow chamber to hold the skimmer so that microbubbles were no longer being created in the return chamber.
Here's a picture of the overflow "channeler" that we built

Here's a picture of the tank sitting with the old sump/refugium removed and the new one being plumbed in.

And here's one with the new sump/refugium in place and working. Yeah


scopus tang

Active Member
Few More;
Here's a close-up of the overflow chamber;

Here's one of the chaeto chamber (yes, there are some other macroalgae present as well)

Here's one of the return chamber (yeah! no more microbubbles

Here's one of Dennis210 (just in case you've ever wondered what he really looks like) placing rock in the overflow chamber (Thanks for the help Dennis!)

And here's one of us incorperating a mode into the skimmer cap; cause as any of you know who have them, these suckers overflow all the time.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
sweet! how big is the sump? how did you get rid of the microbubbles? i hate them!
Opps! sorry, the new sump is a standard 30gal Aquarium. Got rid of the microbubbles by moving the skimmer to the first chamber (eliminated air intake when water level in return chamber gets low). Adjusted diffuser box to the correct level ~ and water now flows through a final set of baffles before entering the return chamber. I really wanted to put both the intake and return of the skimmer in the same chamber (the first ~ so that I had water going through both sets of baffles before being returned), but forgot to take into account the return line to the tank, because of its position, I was forced to move the skimmer over splitting intake and return between two chambers.


The sump was built from one of my old 29 g Disc7us breeding tanks!