YearOfTheNick's 10g Green Mantis Shrimp Tank!


Active Member
So I decided to start this thread in response to another thread I posed about whether or not to buy a mantis.
Long story short, I went to ***** and got one of those cheap 10g setups with a heater, lights, and small HOB filter. It was originally $59, but I bargained down the manager to $40... Hey, you can negotiate anything. I added a powerhead I had lying around for extra flow. I originally purchased it to house my livestock while I did an overhaul of my 34g Red Sea Max which I did this morning. I took some of the sand and rock out of my 34g and made a little tank out of my 10g. When I returned all of my livestock, I kept my hermit crabs in the 10g because they keep eating my snails! And the reason I did an overhaul of my RSM was because of algae build-up! SO anyway, I am only doing snails in there for now.
Well, I have a 10g tank with rock and sand... and a bunch of hermit crabs.... A MANTIS DREAM! I went to my LFS and they were selling a bright green mantis about 1.5-2" in length for $10.99, so I bought him, along with $0.99 of rubble for the mantis to play with. Apparently he's going to grow to be 8 inches in length! Gnarly! And not bad for a total build of $51+tax.
It's clear already that he's pretty smart. I tapped lightly on the glass to get his attention, and he poked his head out. I slowly moved my finger left and right across the front of the tank and I could tell his eyes were very accurately following it.. I checked him a little later and was watching the mouth of the cave to see if he would come out, and turns out he was watching me the whole time from another side of the rock... I was like "Hey, there he is!"
Anyway, here's a pic of the 10g... unfortunately he's already made a little cave under the left rock (see pic 1) so you can't see him. Also, here's a close up of the opening of his cave (Pic 2).
I'll be posting pictures throughout the week to get an actual pic of him for you.



Active Member
Oh I also got a damsel in case the mantis wants to go fishing. I asked the LFS to get the meanest one they have, so I got a yellow one? Apparently the yellow ones are the most evil haha. If you count that, it's another $3... so $54 + tax.


usually shortly after you get them within a week or two they molt from something so when he closes of his hole and dissapears for a few days leave him/her alone rather than looking for him.
mine have both liked a pvc burrow


Active Member
That's what the guy at the store told me... I want to rearrange the rock work in the tank, and I might do that today before he closes up his cave. This way I can also get a picture of him.


Active Member
Went down this morning and looks like he's eaten half of the hermits and covered his hole. I'm going to leave him alone for a few days and see what happens.


He is taking a sebaticle from the forums. He felt it was detracting too much from his personal life.


Active Member
he's still here, just looking around LOL he just hasnt posted in like 3 days, but just like an hour ago, he was reading a thread LOL


Active Member
Yes I've been ghosting today... Hey, it's Sunday! Day of rest man... I need a little leisure in my life, right? Can't Sundays be where the rules don't apply? Haha!
As for the mantis, I've seen him a ton since my last post on this thread, but he's been missing the last 2 days. I think he's molting. He doesn't even come out to eat now. I've thought about searching for him, but I think if I move the rock work around, it will botch up his molt and kill him. If I don't see him by Wednesday, I'll do a little searching.


Ahh, sneaky sneaky....yes, don't ever underestimate the sneakiness....


Active Member
Originally Posted by usirchchris
Ahh, sneaky sneaky....yes, don't ever underestimate the sneakiness....
Nice Mr. Deeds quote... I love that movie, although I can usually only watch it once every 6 months, otherwise I start throwing things.


Active Member
hey nick, check out my 5 year build thread in fish discussion called ohh boy :p an my 20g nano thread thats gonna nd up being a 40g breeder fowlr LOL


Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
Nice Mr. Deeds quote... I love that movie, although I can usually only watch it once every 6 months, otherwise I start throwing things. of the few lines in that movie that cracked me up. Was not up to the happy gilmore/billy madison quality IMO.