yellow clown fish?..allard clown?


has any one ever seen the yellow, black and white clown fish before? the guy i think called them allard clowns or something like that....all I know is that they were from africa. If you have seen or heard of them let me know would like to know if they are rare or if they are pretty well known like all the other clown fish


Active Member
They are Amphiprion allardi[ Allardi Clowns] are rare in many areas . They seem to be getting popular at one of my LFS . It will host a LTA , BTA , and carpets . It is a bold personality fish and will get along with many other fishes . They are pretty cool clowns and would buy it if you get the chance .


Active Member
Originally Posted by dstyling
dawman.....even if they are about 40 a pop??

$35-40 is the going price . Remember they are rare and rare means more money .