yellow clown gobie not eating

I recently purchased 2 yellow clown gobies and they ahve not eaten for 3 days. They seem to be healthy. Has anyone had these fish before and could offer some clue why they might have chosen not to eat in this long a time frame? I have had a yellow clown gobie before and he began eating after a few days. These 2 pass up the brine shrimp as if it is not good enough. Suggestions?


dont worry, try other food as well maybe even dry flake or some shrimp from the store give them some time to settle down in your tank


Active Member
I have two clown gobies, a green, and a yellow, both were diffiult to get eating, I had a Citron for about a month about a year ago, he never ate and eventually perished. They are known to be difficult when it comes to feeding, but as suggested above, offer a variety of foods and keep at it. I used a mixture of forzen foods, and adult brine soaked in vita chem which contains B-12, and appetite stimulant. GL