Yellow Corris Wrasse.... Concerned


I put the corris wrass in the tank 2 days ago. I did my research and I know that they will burry themself when scared. I put the fish in my tank and before you could blink he had burried himself under the sand. I have not seen him since. Do I have anything to worry about?

nm reef

Active Member
He could remain under the sand for an extended time until he feels comfortable in his new home. I had a red coris that was hidden for several days before he made a large is the yellow you added? Are you aware that they may pose problems for crabs/snails/shrimp...and they tend to get rather large. Best of luck with the one you have...:cool:
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He was about 2 1/2-3 inches. I read they only get about 4inches. I may be wrong ( i usually am). I apreciate your input.


Active Member
From your description I'd say you have a canary wrasse and they don't get to but about 5". It's not unusual for them to stay buried for awhile. I'm sure he'll make an appearance soon. Wrasses in general take a while to acclimate. I brought a fairy wrasse home that promptly disappeared. Didn't see him again for almost 2 weeks. Thought he was a goner. But, he came out and has been pretty much out ever since.
They're great fish. Good Luck with him!


Thank You all. I was going to go home and start digging up the tank. I will wait another weak unless I get an ammonia spike.