Yellow Cucumber


New Member
I had a Yellow Cucumber for about two weeks, I could not find it anymore. What should I do?
Should I move live rocks and try to find it? thanks


Active Member
How big was it, how big is your set up, how big is your clean up crew???
If you have a significant size clean up crew chances are if its dead its been eaten quickly. After all its all soft tissue. I had a fish die in my tank and it was completely gone within 3 hours. I house a lot of crabs and a pair of shrimp so its expected.


If I'm remebering what i've been told correctly theres good odds that your coral banded shrimp will eventrually kill off the other shrimp in you tank so be careful
Did you check for the cucumber in all your filtration and lines? that would be my main concern, wouldnt want him getting chopped up and spread around


New Member
all the filtration and lines are off the bed, I had been seeing him inside the rock, but I can not find him anymore...thanks