yellow eyed kole tang question


Active Member
we purchased a yellow eyed kole tang after much research showed us that they are the happiest of the tangs in a smaller tank(55g)...well today after four days of having the tang we noticed brown spots all over it...worst spots are on the back fins...does anyone have any ideas what this could be? he is a few inches long and when we got him had white spots rather than the white stripes you see on most i don't know if this could mean something as to possibly being sick upon purchase?? the lfs we got him from has a HUGE system which is all connected...myself and many of my friends are beginning to think that it is not our fault that fish die because fish from other stores seem to do fine...

freaky's reef

New Member
Stop buying from that guy. Does he have dead stuff in his tanks?(inverts,corals?) What are his perameters and how long do you acclimate?

mpls man

Active Member
sounds like the tang has ick, if you can get him out you can do a frsh water dip to get rid of the parisite. how long and how did you acclimate it


Active Member
i have never actually checked though parameters of the water from the lfs i will if i ever purchase anything from them again
as for acclimation...i sat the bag in a bowl of warm water to keep the temp right and then i dripped him for prolly an hour or so....transit time was like an hour....


Active Member
it sounds like black ich, which is NOT a freshwater dip but rather a formalin bath. look in the disease forum for how to do this.
EDIT: it has white and brown dots on the body?


Active Member
the tang rather than having white lines down teh side like most of the kole tangs it rather had white spots all over it, they are in a definate pattern though which is what lead us to believe that that is just what itlooks like...but now it has developed larger brown spots...and he has become bumpy....we are taking him back today to the store as there is a 10 day guarentee on any livestock....what should we do to the tank in order to rid the tank of the parasites? kick ich?


Active Member
get some pics and everyone can tell better.. how big are these spots.. i had a yellow eye kole for a very long time.. great , voracious algae eaters.. is he eating off of your liverock for you?? whata re your tankmates? a simple cleaner shrimp or three can help you out instwead of the medicine if compatible


Active Member
the tang is in my g friends 55g that we set up like two months ago or less....we had a cleaner shrimp but he got eaten by i believe the hawkfish....there is a large fire shrimp though which has a cleaning station set up and he has literally been on top of that tang for a day or two cleaning at him....
tankmates include:
flame hawkfish
yellow tang
fairy wrasse
watchman goby
percula clown
marine betta
i think thats everybody...


Active Member
he is eating off of live rock and also taking pellets and flake food....he does not touch the seaweed clips though....


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
he is eating off of live rock and also taking pellets and flake food....he does not touch the seaweed clips though....

sounds like mine--he doesnt know what to do with seeweed sheets or flakes.