Yellow Fiji leather


Well my girlfriend bought me a yellow fiji leather. I told her i was thinking about some type of leather and she decided to buy me one and she really liked the pretty yellow. My concern is whether it will be enough light under PCs. I read they like moderate light and flow. Its going into an aquapod.


It should be fine I also have a Yellow fiji leather under pc's in my Biocube.


Active Member
thts one of the best things about most leathers they can just about any light, the more light the better but most wont die under lower light situations, almost all prefer high light but will still grow and look great under low light.


Active Member
fiji are more light demanding then other leathers. I would place it high in the tank. Heres a pic of mine under PC lighting, it did great, but had to get rid of it after having it over a yr. I had it down low in the tank under 260 watts of PC, but it started looking bad, so moved it up toward the top and you can how happy it was.


yea i have a spot at the top of my tank where i was going to put it. This spot has higher flow also.


Active Member
Yellow Fiji's like intense light, a few friends of mine lost them under PC lighting, it might be okay but I would put it up as high as you can


Active Member
i am so jealous. i ordered 2 in the past 6 months. but they always died on me during shipping.