Yellow Fin Tang?


I just purchased this tang from a local fish store. It was listed as a yellow fin tang. I googled that name, and it is also know as a gold rim tang, but this fish does not really look like the gold rim. Any input would be greatly appreciated. BTW he is a 150 gallon tank, I just set up a couple of weeks ago, I converted from a 75 gallon, and managed to avoid a cycle (no ammonia or nitrites ever noticible, and now my nitrates have picked up to about 5), thanks to all of the research I did on this website.



Anybody else want to chime in? The shape does not fit the atlantic blue. Also he has freckels on his face, and faint stripes in the tail section. Very similar to a Kole Tang in shape.


Active Member
Looks like a Tomini (Ctenochaetus tominiensis) to me. Here is one from John Coppolino's (copps) Reef Aquarium TOTM on one of the other sites.


Looks like it may be a juvinile of that species, or at least in the ballpark. I have been trying to get ahold of a Gold Rim Tang, but no luck yet. Would these two get along? My sailfin seems to be okay with the new addition, but the damsels had to be put in their place by the new guy. Thanks for the info.


No blue eyes, but yes it is very, very, very similar to a Kole Tang. I was going to get a Kole tang also, but the LFS advised against that since the body types were so similar. Day by Day, this fish is coloring in much more than that picture, I am assuming he is settling in.
Does anybody know of a good food for these guys? He eats frozen brine, but does not seem interested in the flakes at all. Veracious algae eater though, just what I need, my last setup was overtaken by algae, hopefully with the steps I have taken this time I will avoid this issue.