yellow gobie question


New Member
I received a yellow gobie several weeks ago from and it lies behind or on top of a corner rock, but never comes out to eat at feeding time. I assume they don't like to display themselves like clowns, but I'm worried he isn't getting any nutrition. Am I doing anything wrong? Please be kind to another beginner question......thanks


Active Member
Try using a turkey baster to shoot the food next to him. My yellow watchman did this at 1st, and after target feeding him a couple of times, he's learned when it's feeding time, and comes out to wait for his food. I feed everyday about the same time, so it's kind of routine for him know.


Active Member
It should be eating by now. It may be eating pods and you just don't know it. I just got one yesterday. Cute little things aren't they? Sitting on rock is what they do. Or sitting on a coral. Your's will probably come out more when it gets comfortable. Mine just sits all day on a rock, but at least it's the front of a rock and I can see it. Good luck