yellow gold watchman goby


Looking for one of them gold looking small watchman gobies. My tank is a 46 bow, CC substrate with no LR. I have 3 hermit crabs, 2 coral catfish, neon dottyback,algae blenny,firefish and a jawfish.
How would the goby do in my tank? Would he eat shrimp pellets or flakes?


Active Member
When I had mine he eat pellets, worms, brine live and frozen. hey must have a place to hide in to be comfortable. They tend to be mild and will not fight back with aggressive fish. I had mine for a couple of years till he was murdered (the killer escaped detection and is still at large).


Like pufferlover said, you do need a place for them to hide, I never see mine, only when it's feeding time....he is so cute and eats anything he can crab. Cute little buggers.


So he should be fine with the fish I currently Have? Was thinking of adding a purple firefish with the regular firefish I have now....


Justlooking, where do you live? I have one that I would be willing to GIVE to you. He is very healthy, but detrimental to my DSB. He is really cool and I will miss him. BUt if you want, he's yours.
My email is
Let me know--Bob


Watchman Gobies are sand sifters - they sift the sand through their gills catching any small critters in your DSB to eat. You need these critters in your sand bed to keep it healthy. Some people have had trouble getting them to eat once they have picked the sand bed clean.
I have this fish in a 75g FOWLR. It spends it time moving the sand from one side of the tank to the other - really neat fish to watch. He's eating just about anything I put in the tank - except flake - won't touch it.


Amphiprion said it all. He is a great fish and fun to watch, but the detrivore kits are $60 a piece(two separate kits from two separate sites) and I don't want to watse the money spent. I'll probably end up setting a different tank up for him. Don't know yet. --Bob


So I dont need sand? Should I get some sand, like a small amount and just set up like a tiny sand pit in the tank? Or not neccesary? Him and my algae blenny wont fight?