yellow headed gobie


New Member
My yellow headed gobie that i got today is hiding uder a rock and he has been there for hours now. I had a dottyback that lasted for 5 days and it never came out of the rock, he ended up dieing. Is me gobie going to die like the dottyback or will he come out. I currenty have in the 29 g tank 1 coral beauty, 1 clown, 1 sixline wrass and 1 hermit, and 3 emeral crabs. what can i do to help the gobie survive
Dont worry yet,we have lost track of ours for weeks at a time in our 200 gallon, then all of a sudden there it is sifting sand like crazy. it should be ok if water is in good shape,and there is places for it to hide.cya..fixit :)


mine is in the rock most of the time. thought i lost him, didnt see him for month but then he showed back up. he comes out now at feeding time if i am not too close to the tank