Yellow headed sleeper goby requirements?


I just got a yellow headed sleeper goby from my lfs. I know I should of done more research but the guy there seemed like he knew what he was talking about. He told me that it would be fine in my 29 biocube, but now I am finding different info online. Some say it will be ok and others say it needs a minimum of 60 gallons. Does anyone know what the actual requirements are for this fish. Thanks.


Active Member
two problems. at full grown size (6-7") they will grow physically to large to be maintained in a 29 gallon. problem two they often wont eat prepared food and need live sand preferably with a refugium to feed. this will require a large tank (think 100 gallon and up) with all live sand to keep it from starving. If you get one that eats prepared or can get it to eat prepared food anything from 55gallons on up will suffice.