yellow leather = bad shipping specimen?


Active Member
i just got my yellow leather today. its all shiveled up and looks brown. this is the 3rd time i am trying this coral. they always come all brown-up upon arrival. i will see what happens tmo, and show u guys a pic.


Active Member
It's not uncommon for leathers to shrivel during shipping, just keep an eye on it, and provide extra flow till while it settles in and you should be fine.


Active Member
yellow figi leathers are notoriously bad shippers and fraggers. often just a simple touch of human skin to the corals flesh is enough to Bruise it and cause necrosis and seconsdary diseases.
shipping can be really hard on these most delicate of leathers. IME its important to try to mimic its original lighting conditions immediatly, and provide superior flow, surging rapid flow from more than one direction, this will assist in the leather shedding if it need to, to prevent protozoan infection from the slime build up (protozoans love coral slime), mimicing the original lighting conditions will make sure the coral doesnt have to expend energy adjusting to new conditions, be it growing more zoaxantellae, or expelling UV protection to photosynthesize more, or even expelling excess zoaxantellae to reduce photosynthesizing in overlight conditions.
the less adjust ments your new additiion has to make the better the chance of success.


Active Member
thanx a lot. hopefully it will recover from shipping. if this one fails, then i will hv to purchase one from lfs for $70. will check on the yellow leather later on today, and keep u guys posted.


I recently fragged 14 pieces off my yellow and he did go into a funk. But with a little more patience than with other leathers, he came back and all the baby pieces did fine. I hope you're able to get your leather healthy. They really are very pretty.


Active Member
here is the updated pic. the baby squomosa i picked up at a lfs for $25. the yellow leather next to the crocea doesnt look good at all.
