Yellow Leather help!


well i finally recieved my yellow leatehr today after Fedex forgot to overnite it. It was shipped monday but didn't get here till earlier today. Anyways the problem is now that it has been in the tank for a couple hours i am starting to see some spots on the edges that look like they are beginning to disintigrate. I think its called necrosis? Anyway I called the place and they said they were going to give me an extended waranty since it wasn't shipped in the time i paid for but when i told them i saw some spots disintigrating they just refunded me the money and told me it was probably done for. My questions are
1. Is there anything i can do to save it like cut the tissue off in these spots (like its not underenough stress allready for being in a leaky bag for two days, plus it was laying ontop of itself in the bag) where its decaying?
2. If i can't save it should i take it out of my tank so it doesn't pollute it?
Any help would be great, thanks.


YES> cut off the disintegrating parts and discard them. USE A DISINFECTED, SHARP, SHARP KNIFE, EXACTO KNIFE OR SCISSORS. EXACTO IS THE BEST. It is obviously ok to do this out of the water in an environment that is clean and relatively the same temp as the tank, but not superimperative if you are fast. After cutting the infected parts off, put it back in the tank, and keep an eye on it over the next couple days. if the infection comes back cut that off too. The cuts should not be very close to the infected part. Cut a quarter inch beyond the infection thus cutting a bit of live adn healthier tissue away too. leathers are very hardy, and this is basically like fragging it. Try not to use a sawing motion, but rather as few SLICES as possible to keep it from tearing as you cut, this is why a SHARP blade is imperative. Do not be squemish about pressure when cutting the specimen, as the fewer cuts the better. oh, adn try not to cut the stem off if at all possible.Good luck.


thanks for the quick reply. Could this possibly cause even more damage seeing as how i just recieved it today or is it worth it considering it will die if i do nothing?


That is a basic procedure for fragging leathers, only you dont discard any part of them but rather cut lobes or petals off with your cuts starting on the outside fringe and going directly into the center of the stalk. Then you let them reattach to some substrate over a couple weeks. You can also cut petals off from the center into the stalk and not totally disconnect them from the mother, let the edges heal, and then cut the rest off after a couple weeks. substrate to reattach, Frag complete. If you leave the necrosis on there, IF YOU ARE SURE THAT IS WHAT IT IS, it will die QUICKLY. Pics may help if you have time, but I would not waste any, as the longer you wait, the more time damage can take hold.
All in all, the fact you got it today is probably the best day to do it. But wait and see what happens. You got your money back,if it dies, it dies, what else can you do? Maybe it will respond positively to its new environment. I cant say what will happen, but what I said is how to stop it from progressing if it is necrosis.


Active Member
I received one in the mail once and it was really rotted almost completely. The one good piece was about 1x1. It is doing good. Slow growing, but healthy.


i would say i'm pretty sure thats what it is from the description i gave the people i bought it from thats what they said plus those spots also smelled somewhat rotten


Originally Posted by puffer32
I received one in the mail once and it was really rotted almost completely. The one good piece was about 1x1. It is doing good. Slow growing, but healthy.
did you cut the rotten bit away?


cut them off. if they smell rotten, cut them off.
For what its worth, adn to puffer the like. I have seen a toadstool grow a whole new crown after its crown was fraggd so much that all that was left wasa stump. it took a year, but it grew all the way back. If nothing else, you may end up just fraggin it adn let the little frags grow back. Good luck, Take before and after pics.


so cut rotten parts off and if it doesn't look like its gonna make it frag the good part thats left and hope they live?


I would cut off the rotten parts and cut into the healthy tissue to do so so it leaves no infection behind. If it still deteriorates, cut off as much of the infection as possible again. If the infection is so massive that youhave to what seems like destroy your coral, THEN cut it into smaller pieces, but youwant to try to have each piece have lobe and stalk. When you do this, it will most likely protrude a slimy substance, dont cunfuse that with rot. If you question which is which, because leathers look SO different when you are fragging them, smell it.It should smell like the sea, not poop. But try to keep it all in tact as long as possible.


ok thanks for all the help. Really apreciate it. I just cut the rotting pieces off. It is a pretty small leather to begin with so it was tough. What is left seems to look ok considering i cut some of the lobes off. Anyway i'll watch it and see if any more starts to rot and if so i'll try to frag it with some of the stock. Thanks again for the help
p.s. camera is at the girlfriends apartment so i couldn't get any pics but its probably for the best considering she bought it for me.


Originally Posted by bs21
ok thanks for all the help. Really apreciate it. I just cut the rotting pieces off. It is a pretty small leather to begin with so it was tough. What is left seems to look ok considering i cut some of the lobes off. Anyway i'll watch it and see if any more starts to rot and if so i'll try to frag it with some of the stock. Thanks again for the help
p.s. camera is at the girlfriends apartment so i couldn't get any pics but its probably for the best considering she bought it for me.
right on. Best of luck.


Active Member
yeah cut asap. i ordered one a month ago from the i got it on time. but once i opened it, i immediately noticed brown spot on the edges. i didnt cut it until 1 week later. it is now dead. i got my refund tho. someone told me they shipped bad. they r beautiful tho.


same place.....hmm coincidence, maybe not.
anywho it is probably normal for it to look really pissed off after cutting it right?
also incase i was able to get it all which upon closer inspection i may have, even though it is really shrivled up, what should i look for as a sign that its getting better? Does the tissue where i cut it change a certain color or something? or is there something that is a dead giveaway that its a gonner?
again thanks for the input everyone


Active Member
i dont think so. certain corals i orderd from them always died. but overall i like their products, bc they hv a real good refund policy. i hv bought from them like 5 times already in the last 6 months. out of maybe 25-30 livestocks i ordered from them, maybe 5 died on me with 2 weeks. they really hv a pretty big selection and decent price. their aquacultured corals r top notched.


if its a goner it will continue to disintegrate like it was. As it starts to heal it will open larger and its color will go back to normal. They dont enjoy being cut very muchn AT ALL. Now, the best thing to do is make sure you have enough iodine in your system, as leathers need iodine to have good health. As well it will help stop other infectious outbreaks, like iodine on a cut for us humans. Just make sure you dont put too much in. However, most labels suggest "X" amount of a dosage, but if you were to test your system for iodine trace, you probably would not get a reading of any being inthere. If you have other leathers, they soak up iodine like nobodies business, so a LITTLE extra wont hurt in periodic dosages in addition to your daily dosages. Once it heals you can stop the extra dosages. Hope all goes well.


terrible when i got up thismorning it looked like it was melting and it had more dark brown/black spots and smelled worse than yesterday.