Yellow Polyps - Can they move on their own?


New Member
I bought two different pieces of rock with Yellow Polyps. One of the rocks, most of the polyps are gone (I'm guessing they got knocked off by the crabs). I see some on the substrate and curiousy they seem to move in and out of the LR. Do they have any means of locomotion or is it current and "pushy neighbors" moving them around?


New Member
I suspected that but it seems weird they move in and out from the LR on what appears to be a daily cycle. Any chace I might be able to get them to attach to some LR off the bottom? If so how?


Active Member
When I frag my button polyps, I usually secure them to a piece of rock with a rubber band and leave it for 24-48 hours.
Afterwards, I remove the rubber band and that usually does the trick

If not, maybe super glue (I recommend the gel)?


New Member
They're really small. Each polyp is about the size of a grain of rice. Looks like a cluster of 3 or 4 together. Do you think I could be successfull? I don't want to hurt them. If that risk is too high could I just see if they attach on therir own?