Yellow Polyps



I bought a small colony of yellow polyps the other day and they seem to be doing ok so far. What i was wondering was do i spot feed them and how? Also i have a bottle of phytoplex, should i use that and dose the tank a couple days to feed them. Last question they are mid level in medium to low current under 150watts of VHO lighting, how will they do in those conditions.


Active Member
I don't feed mine directly but they may get stuff when I feed my LPS and fish.
Mine are under MH and PC and directly under 150 watts MH at about 1 foot depth. As with you about medium flow. They're spreading like crazy.
Good Luck!


Active Member
I feed mine meaty zooplankton not phyto. I just suck it up with an insulin surringe (with needle removed) and squirt it across the polyps.