Yellow Stingray question for AC


Did you have any trouble getting your rays to eat when you first got them? If so how did you get them to eat? I have had mine for 3 days and all she does is buries in the sand and refuses to eat squid. Im trying live fiddler crabs as well but still have had no luck. She supposedly ate squid at the dealers but i have yet to see this.
Thanks for any help


2 of the 3 yellows I had ate right away. I had one female that would not eat when I first got her. I tried squid, silversides, ghost shrimp, basically everything I could think of. She didn't eat for about 10 days, then all of the sudden one night she just started eating and has eaten real well ever since. This one was shipped to me so I think maybe she was stressed and just need to get aclimated. Did you get yours locally or did you have her shipped in? At this point I wouldn't panic, and just keep trying to offer her something. Keep me posted, and if there's anything else just let me know. Good luck


I almost forgot, do you have any pictures of your setup and your ray. I would love to see them.


She was bought locally. She currently shares the tank with a 5 inch volitan lion and a large naso tang. The tank is 240 gallons and is filtered via large algae turf scrubber and a rainbow lifeguard fb 900 fluidized bed filter. I tried feeding her again today with squid when she came to the top of the tank, however it proved unsuccessful. I was also planning on getting rid of the naso tang and adding a pair of epaulettes. Do you still have your epaulette? Sorry but i dont have any pics currently i will try to get some soon. The tank however is mostly bare with the exception of two large pieces of LR at either end of the tank.
Thanks again for the reply


Yes I still have my epaullette. I really like this shark, she's about 22 inches long but not real big around. Just perfect for a shark in an aquarium. Let me know how it goes with your sting ray and your future epaullettes.