yellow tail damsels


New Member
I have 2 yellow tail damsels in a 30 gal tank.Some people say that it will be impossible to add any other fish with these,but I dont wanna get rid of them.I read an old post in here that someone had 2 of them and was wondering what other fish they had with them and how they got along.
how long has your tank been set up, because if you have the 2 damsels for cycleing then i think its okay to keep them, but after the cycle is over belive me you WILL want them outa there,personally i like the way they look, but if they wasent such a pain in the butt with being REALLY aggressive then i would, but due to there aggressiveness there is a posiblty that they can and maybe will chase(and or kill) other fish, and if there not showing signs of being aggressive now , give it time, i havent expericaned this but i have heard that they dont start off too bad, but they get very aggressive towards newcomers , if u wanna try ur luck, i can wish u the best of luck(your gonna need it)


i have experienced yellow tailed damsels. i had 2 of them and had to get rid of one immediately cause it tried to kill the other. then the other one got aggressive too. had to get him out. they are not totally stupid though, so if you get fish much larger than them they will be ok. or other aggressive fish youll be ok, other wise your gonna regret having them because your other fish will get harassed. sorry to tell ya, but thats my experience with them.


You might want to rearrange your tank when you get new fish. This might get rid of their established territories and then it would be every fish for themselves in finding new homes. Just an idea.


New Member
i had the same problem with the two striped damsels i used to cycle my tank....they became agressive to other fish(even larger ones) i tried to add. my two young duaghters were so in love with these fish that i just couldnt get rid of i put in a tank divider which keeps these two in about 20% of their own little world...they are big now and still some of our favorites hth


New Member
Well if I cant add any other kinds of fish,how about various other damsels and some crabs and what not.Will this work?