Yellow Tail Damsels


Other than taking down the 100# of LR in my 90 gallon Reef Tank could anyone suggest a good way of trapping some aggressive yellow tail damsels to take back to the LFS?


Active Member
Get them used to eating from you then set up a big plastic container. When they go for the food scoop the whole container out. You may catch some of the fish you want to keep but it will be much easier to put them back in once you have them in the container. Just make sure you don't get frustrated and scare them away from you or you will have to try again the next day most likely....


Active Member
Big net.......big, big net! Leave it in the tank for a day or so, and let them get used of it. Then feed them and grab them......but I have sympathy for you, I had two in a 29 once. Tanacious little guys!!