Yellow tail tang problem


New Member
I have a yellow tail tang that is laying on it side and can't swim can anyone tell me why this to be.He had ick 3 days ago and I put copper like they told me too,and now he can't swim.please help if you can.


Active Member
We will need alot of details before we can help. What size tank, how long set up, is it cycled, what type of water are you using, what are you using to test specific gravity, and what are all of your parameters, including PH, temp, no3,po4? Who told you to add copper, and did you put the copper in your main tank?{please say no} How much did you put, and are you testing for it? Do you have live rock & invertebrates in this tank? Exactly what kind of tang are we talking about, a blue hippo tang? They should not be in copper at all IMO, and at least not for long. How is this tank set up and does it have a sump, protein skimmer, overflow, powerheads?<<<I am trying to determine if the tank has sufficient oxygen for a tang. Hippo tangs need lots of it.


Originally Posted by seahorses1
I have a yellow tail tang that is laying on it side and can't swim can anyone tell me why this to be.He had ick 3 days ago and I put copper like they told me too,and now he can't swim.please help if you can.

Tangs are very sensitive to copper. You should not use copper on a tang unless it is the last resort, which it should never be. What kind of copper did you use and how much? What size tank is this and what are you using for water flow? BTW, Welcome to the boards
We are not normaly so pushy, but this sounds urgent!