Yellow tailed damsel acting "funny"


I have had my tank (55gals) for around 3-3.5 monthes. I have just a couple pounds of live rock and dead rock but they were put in a long time ago. I have four total damsels and I'm only having problems with one. All my levels and tests come out good. Anyways, my blue yellow tailed damsel just sits in the corner against the glass, showing his stomach. He don't come to eat or anything but it's been going on for about 10-14 days. He's got a few spots on him i can tell so i know there's something wrong but i don't know what. This is my first tank but it's through with the cycle etc. The only thing i've added is a cleaner shrimp about 2 weeks ago. Dunno if it was just a coincidence that the blue damsel is just having problems at the same time or what. Anyone know anything? Should i take him out??? Will it hurt the rest of the tank? My other fish are find and dandy. Thanks.


Staff member
Keith, glad to see you on the forums. Welcome! :D
How have your damsels been getting along? Notice any fighting? What species are the other damsels?
What do the spots you mention look like?


forgive me for not knowing the different species of each damsel but i'll describe them. I have the domino damsel, then i have an all white with yellow on the top and two lower blue fins. Then the last one is a grayish one with black stripes up and down. All of them are fine. None of them are too aggressive with each other besides the norm. As for the spots, they are black/grayish spots around the mouth and eyes. The lower fins on the stomach look a little grayish as well. Thanks in advance and wow, i got a great response time. I love this board :)


Staff member
Have you noticed any particualar aggression toward this fish? Are the spots open wounds?, raised bumps, or just fading of the flesh?
Can you get a picture up?


yea, i'll definitly try and get a picture up tonight. I think they are just fading of the flesh. They aren't open wounds or anything but i've watched him for the last hour and he's sat in the same place with his stomach showing. I've noticed he likes to hang out in the upper portion of the tank near the surface. He doesn't go down at all. It's kind of hard to notice anything different as far as aggression goes cause he's always been the loner. The other three will swim around together and periodically dart at each other but nothing outside the norm. The blue damsel has ALWAYS been to himself.


Staff member
Keith, I am going to take an educated guess and surmise that this fish is stressed due to the other damsels. Is he eating.
Yes, see if you can get a clear pic of him tonite. I'll check back.
What are you feeding your fish and what are your water readings?


Sorry i couldn't get a pic. Now my flash is messed up on my sony digi cam. Oh boy :rolleyes: Anyway, i'll try and get it up tomorrow. I'll post brand new readings tomorrow. And no, he's not eating. I'll feed them and he doesn't even move. He's been like this for 2 weeks. He must be eating here or there though cause i can't see him living that long without. I'm just feeding them "tropical flakes". Should I switch it up??? Thanks


Staff member
Keith, definately improve fish diet to a variety of foods. Try some frozen foods. Flakes are out.


ok, my camera's flash is screwed up. Anyway, my LFS said he's probably just stressed out and that he's getting "beat up".
Also i talked to them about the fish diet. He gave me some pellets. Are they alright? I don't want a costly diet for my fish but something decent. Will they eat just about anything? I know i should ask this in the other forum but since we got on the topic of it. Thanks Beth for all your wonderful help.


Staff member
I would try a few varieties of frozen foods, at least. The dry foods tend to be polluting.