Yellow Tang - Blisters on Top Fin.


I have a Yellow Tang in QT -
When I purchased him he has missing scales around his eye area my LFS says it is Line Disease but goes away with plenty of green.....
If this is true I am feeding Seaweed selects, Caulpera and FormulaII with Mysis.
Biggest concern is on top of his fin it looks like blisters......... I read online somewhere it comes from a new Gas Exchange in the water..............
Did he get this from moving from the store to the home tank? What will get rid of this just time and healing? I read online the tank needs plenty of oxygen, I have the top of the water well agitated and a large powerhead blowing the mid-bottom of tank.
Any ideas on these blisters to help it go away would help.
He eats all the foods... Breathes ok and his gills are not irriated.


I do have small air bubbles and cannot get rid of them.
I have been trying to get rid of them for awhile too with no such luck.
I have a 15 Gallon QT and I have a 55 I am using as a QT while I put my 150 up.
Should I move him from the 55 to the 15?


Thanks Terry -
I killed the pumps in the tank and I am going to water change 10 gallons tonight to hopefully get the bubbles on the surface. My Mag 350 seems to be the problem maker and seems to need to eb replaced.
Leaving it off and removing my PHs from tank 1 more time for cleaning....
Is getting rid of the bubbles only thing I need to treat this?