yellow tang, color


My yellow tang has lost some of his color, and now has orange "spots" on some of his body parts, what could be causing this?


I have tested the salt readings in my tank, and for some reason in the middle and bottom its normal 2.4-2.5, but at the very top the water reads something crazy like 2.9. Is that normal for the top to be high like that, if not why could this be? I dont have a quarantine tank, what would be a good way to go about setting one up that wouldnt cost me too much money. Doing the one test on the tank water now, will post the results.


My test came out normal, i did a small waterchange anyway. But today it is definate that i have a sickness in the tank, my clown one eye is clowded and he is swimming slowly at the top of the water. My puffer is acting alittle weird too. I put some ick treatment in the tank, it might be that, who knows, just wondering how many fish i will lose from this. I would post pic's but cant find my camera cord.


Well three fish dead, puffer, clown, and tang. My readings came back 0. MY ph was 8.1, my salt density was 1.24. the temp of the tank is 77 on both sides. I have two power heads and a big emperor filter. I do water changes ever 2 to 3 weeks, small ones. And last night I added Green-X to the tank which is lr friendly. Now all thats left is clean up crew and damsiles. Now, I just wait it out, and have no clue what affected the tank.


What is Green-X? If you don't know what is going on in your aquarium. I'd be very cautious about just randomly adding chemicals, anti-biotics, etc.
What did you add to fight ick? There is no "magic in a bottle" chemical to fight ick in this hobby. QT, Hyposalinity, are pretty much the only ways of controlling the spread and treatment of it.
If you don't follow the directions properly, you could very well be doing more harm than good, especially with anti-biotics.
Sorry about your loss of fish.


greenex is an effective chemical tonic that prevents and controls-prtozoan parasites on fish-white spots-scraching and darting of fish-cryptocaryon-oodiniumand its fish, inverebreate, lr safe and will not affect the biologival filter, and the other things that i stupidly added to the tank was Rid Ich+, which i didnt know does damage to the lr.


FWIW a friend of mine uses Greenex often for ich. He said it won't get rid of ich, but it helps control it. The fact that he's been battling ich in the same tank for a long time would indicate he's probably right. Personally, I'd never add anything like that to my tank.