yellow tang & coral angelfish


New Member
I have a yellow tang and just introduced a coral beauty angelfish (a) from The tang keeps going after the angelfish and won't
let it come out of hiding. This has happened before when I had 2 yellow tangs. Only on a different fish. The angel fish is the 2nd largest fish
in my tank (90 Gal). Can the tang kill my angel fish by just bullying it?


maybe by stressing it out to the point it gets something else but i think thats it. coral beautys are pretty timid and should have gone in before the tang


The tang won't bully him forever. Move some of the rocks around. It would be best if you could remove the tang for a few weeks, but if you cannot then try to keep the tank as peaceful as you can. Add vitamins to their food to keep the angel as healthy as possible in this stressful time.