yellow tang dead


so i wake up this morning and i find my yellow tang dead in the corner of my tank. I just got the fish sunday , alimated it for and hour and put it in with two clown , blue,zebra,and domino damsle... I am very frusterated b/c i do not like to kill innocent animals please help on what to do. I was to get more exciting fish but they always seem to die and i just hate wasting my money..... if anyone has any idea about how he died please help me....thanks guys your the greatest!


at the begining there was one damsle that was a little hostle at him but he settled down after a day. the tang is very small prob about 1 inch by 1 inch. Today i cannot get the water parometers b/c its thanksgiving day and i dont have anything to test my water with( i go to the LFS) This was just very suprising b/c he seemed fine and was swimming good and all of my fish were eating, i fed them last night and this morning the tang was dead....any thoughts


Generally, the damsels are very aggresive and territorial, they could cause stress to your yellow tang. I think you should always keep a test kits around. DO YOU TRUST YOUR LFS? I always test my own water and when in doubt, I take it to the LFS for second opinion....