Yellow Tang Died


New Member
I have 130 gallon tank with very little in it.
Been set up for 2 1/2 months. Yellow tang was doing great, but a few days ago I found him dead.
He was STUCK with his nose down against a rock, and his top fin locked into a piece of decorave coral. My only guess is that he liked to hide under this rock a lot, and somehow lodged himslef in. Is this a problem with any fish that anyone else knows of, or just bad luck? <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Staff member
Doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Dead corals can be very abrasive and sharp...something that reef fish are not used to. He could have lodged in a tight space and then found it impossible to back out [going against the grain of his scales].
How was the fish the night before?


i don't know .but just want to say sorry for your loss. it really stinks when you lose a fish they become part of the famly at least in my house they are. :(


sorry for your loss. sometime fish do this as beth said. if they get under a rock and it shifts it may catch them.


Active Member
I had the same thing happen to my yellow tang. When we did switch dsb I guess a rock was not seated well and it shifted just a little and the tang got stuck and I figue it stressed itself so much it died. Sorry about yours and mine :(