Yellow Tang Died


I posted last week about my Yellow Tang not eating (thank you for the responses!), and I lost him this past weekend. It's so sad and a helpless feeling to witness such deteriation! It seems the bucket incident (my cleaning person used his bucket unbeknowst to me) just triggered a series of things he couldn't recover from. Goes to show how human error can occur, and never assume anything (I assumed she wasn't useing the bucket!). Good news is, I replaced him with a Purple Tang yesterday, and he's wildly happy in his new home! He started eating algae immediatly, which really surprised me. I feel much more confident in my hobby knowing there is so much good advice on this board...thanks for being here! Laura


Active Member
Good that you get right back in with a new fish that helps remove the loss of the Yellow. One thing I do is mark all my buckets with a black marker as to their use. Such as WC (water Change), bleach Use, etc. altho it is just myself and the Mrs. now (and she has been well trained on what never to use) you just never know what someone else might grab to do a job. Good example city came to put in new improved version of water meter and the guy grabbed a bucket of mine to use WHOA said I and gave him a general use one.


Active Member
Yellow tangs are really not all that easy to keep healthy as some lfs may tell you. The purple tang on the other hand is an awsome fish that is both beautiful and hardy. Feed lots of seaweed, and throw some mysis, brine, and whatever else he will eat into his diet, keep your water clean, and use Zoe in his food and he should stay healthy a long time.


Thank You so much for the encouragement and advice. How right you are that LFS does not advise correctly about a fishes hardiness. I am feeding this guy Spirulina, Nori, Algae Cubes(for lack of proper description), Zoe, and there is alot of brown algae since the Yellow one stopped eating. I didn't find this message board until after he was sick-I wish I had before. I will never again rely only on LFS for advice!


Active Member
Dont forget to throw in some "meaty" foods for him like mysis shrimp, brine, or prime reef.