Yellow Tang Dorsal Fin

mot ii

We've had our yellow tang for about 3 1/2 years. About 4 months ago or so, his dorsal fin split about one inch from the front. It hasn't healed, but it also doesn't seem to affect him; he eats well, looks good color wise and energy wise.... it's just really weird. My husband has renamed from from "Tangy" to "Mr. T" because it looks like a mohawk when the back part of the dorsal goes down a bit flat sometimes.
We've got two clowns, a pigmy stripped angel and a flamehawk fish. All have been in the tank together for at least 3 years; it's a 65 gallon and all the fish, including the tang, are smaller in size. Parameters are all good.
Any thoughts on this? We've gotten used to it, but really do wonder how or why it might have happened. Could it be an age thing? We don't know how old he really is...