Yellow tang dorsel fin


Hi, we have a yellow tang. It seems to be doing fine, eating well color is good. The only thing that seems strange is that the past few days its dorsel fin seems to be stuck upright, never putting it down. Also seems to be a little aggitated, moving and swimming a little faster. Temp is 77 degrees, water levels are good. Any ideas?


Hi thank you for your reply. The fish is about 3" for tip of his nose to end of his tail. the tank is 29 gallons, and about a week ago we added a lawnmower blemmy, a pink tip haitian anemone, a few snails and hermit crabs, and 2 purple urchins. we also added 2 clowns but they didn't make it.


Lol better run for your life the tang police are coming! but I still can't believed someone flammed me for putting a 1inch Fake Percula in a 12-gall which is getting upgraded to a 125!


Active Member
Research is the key. Thats for sure. Hard to say why the dorsal is up except he is very aggetated and under stress. They stress easy and will contract ICH easily when they are stressed because the immune system in weak.
Best thing you can do is besides the research not done would be to immediately get him out of there. He will die within weeks. I promise.


His dorsal is up from continuous stress and he will become ill as hot883 said. Please get him out of that tank.


The 29g is not large enough for a tang thus causeing stress. And like sepultian and hot883 said he will develop ich and die within weeks if not days.