Yellow Tang Feeding question


I just bought a 2 in Yellow tang for my 80G tank. I currently have a 3 inch porcupine puffer in the tank. the tang is currently in my QT tank. I've had it for 3 days now and can not get it to eat. The LFS said to try a lettuce clip but no luck so far. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as this is a beautiful fish that I would eventually like to add to the main tank.


My tang love Nori. I keep a fresh piece rubber-banded to a mag float for my tangs to munch on through out the day.


mine for some reason wont eat the seeweed sheets i try to give him so i got the different flavor veggie flakes soak them in water for a min and then put it in the tank and he loves it goes after it like crazy. Sometimes though i think hes just happy picking at my sand and live rock.


Active Member
Tangs should be fed a variety of food like any other fish. I would recommend frozen Formula A and B, frozen Algae formula, and Sea Veggies/seaweed. When you feed the seaweed/sea veggies, what I like to do is take the piece, fold it up a little, and rubberband it to a piece of rubble rock and then put it on the bottom of the tank. It is more natural this way.


Active Member
I had a problem with my Naso Tang before, he wouldn't touch green algae sheets. I tried different formula, he just wouldn't touch'em. I finally got some brown algae, he eats them right away. They're picky at times. But since then, he eats everything I offers him. The best thing is to try different stuffs until you can get him to eat something for you. They'll usually accepts other types of food once they've accepted one from you. :happyfish