Yellow Tang Fins look ripped


It seems like the dorsal and ventral fins on my tang have been bitten off or something like that. The rest of it looks just fine and it seems to be acting just fine. Seems like it was stuck and tried to pull out and ripped them up a bit or like a crab went him let me claw a piece off, but its a couple spots top and bottom. Tank is just fine and I have had him for 10 months now. Could this just be wear and tear and it will come back? I know when I first got it, it had something similar and then in a few weeks it look all nice again...ideas? I can't get picture.


It does look like bite marks to me. Have you added any new fish or noticed any aggression with your fish? It will heal, but if there is an aggressive fish in the tank then you have to find out which one.


Thats fine as long as it didn't look like rot or something like that. He does look good. No same fish for the last 10 months, so maybe he just pissed another one off. I have a blue tang, so maybe they scuffled, but usually they are just fine together, i also have a marroon clown, so maybe the YT got too close to his anemone...or just something. But it seems like they have not become worse, so hopefully it was temporary.
Any other different oppinions?


Staff member
It is bitten off, and its not so fine. Likely aggression that will continue and worsen. Perhaps the hippo?


here is the only thing that gets me, the fish were introduced together have not show any aggression until now and the fins has not gotten worse since i first noticed it. So perhaps it was the hippo, but its over and done with and it will be fine. My concern was that it wasn't a disease. Thank you


Originally Posted by stimpy4242
here is the only thing that gets me, the fish were introduced together have not show any aggression until now and the fins has not gotten worse since i first noticed it.
as a fish grows, so does its territory.


Originally Posted by NEreef
as a fish grows, so does its territory.
I would keep a very close eye on the two of them. How big is your tank?