Yellow Tang Gasping


New Member
It seems my tang is gasping darting back and forth from the middle of the tank to the bottom. was lookin for similar posts but couldnt find any, please if any one can assist would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
How long have you had this fish? What are your water readings? Any immediate changes to his environment that might have caused this?


New Member
PH8.2,Salinity1.026,Ammonia0,nitrate20,nitrite0. Had fish 2 weeks, no environment changes. Joined my tank with no problems, eating, swimming. I have domino damsel,percula clown,coral beauty,lawnmower blenny,3 turbo snails,5 hermits. 55 gallon. With Ornament rocks. Good water flow, tank temp constant 78-80 degrees. all other fish are fine. nothing to note about them.


Watch your Domino damsel very closely while he doesn't know you are watching. They don't like newcomers. Watch your other fish as well. Watch for any bite marks on the tang. Be careful. Your tang has a blade and will use it on your other fish if he feels threatened. If he is eating normally and has nothing on him then it may just be a case of an open water swimmer checking out his new surroundings. Tell us if you see anything at all out of the ordinary.


New Member
other than darting back and forth for awhile and gills "flapping" quickly, theres nothing at all out the ordinary. eating habits remained the same. still grazes on algae sheets and eats regularly but my domino, yea know about him. nothing to show on bodies as attack marks but will keep closer watch.