Yellow Tang Going Pale


New Member
Can anyone tell me why my yellow tang is going pale usually around 7 to 8 pm? It gets pale around the stomache and gills the rest of it looks perfectly normal. Eats like a pig, is calm and seems to love the tank it's in. All our fish get along so no stress there. It has been eating flakes, pellets, seaweed (algae), picks off the live rock, and brine shrimp. Not all this in one day, I vary the diet day to day. Is there something I am missing in the diet it needs?


Active Member
The diet sounds pretty good. Just make sure he gets plenty of algae. Brine shrimp isn't very nutritional so you might try some mysis shrimp. Is he turning pale after the lights go out. Because if so that is normal.


Active Member
mine did that sometimes, but only for a few minutes, or maybe an hour or so, then he turned back to yellow. then he died via getting crushed :(


Maybe he's getting ready for bed before you're ready to turn the lights out. That is their night colors.


Active Member
How long do you have your lights on during the day?
What time do they come on?
What time do they go off?
I've found with my fish past and present that after 8-10 hours with the lights on they start to go pale to sleep. In the night, all fish fade their colors for protection while they sleep. I guess your yellow tang isn't waiting for you to go to bed :)


New Member
i will definitely get mysis shrimp for the yellow tang and all others interested in eating it.
Sorry about the tang who them so much.
Was hoping the symptom of going pale meant the tang was ready for sleep time. I do know that most of my fish get pale at night, but after I turn the lights out. Yes, hopefully it's the tang's way of saying I am tired.
The light normally goes on at 6am before I head out for work. The lights go out around 8pm and unless the tang goes pale earlier then I turn out the lights when the pale thing happens.
Thanks to all! This is my first tang. I am looking forward to getting a Naso Tang soon. Hopefully it will be as easy as my Yellow Tang (name: Arwyn).
Yes I am sappy enough that I name all my fish.:)


Active Member
Don't take this the wrong way. This is not intended to be flaming...but lotsa folks around here don't like to see one tang in a 55, let alone two. Unless they are very small and you are planning an upgrade, I don't think it's a good idea. I had a tang in a 55 once, and would never get another one unless I had at least a 6 ft. tank. They enjoy the space.


Active Member
liznkenny: Your lights are on WAY to long IMO. Cut the time down to 8-10 hours, you are likely stressing out your fish with such a long photoperiod.
Also, don't get a Naso tang for your tank. These fish get close to TWO FEET long when they are fully grown. MUCH too small for a 55 gallon tank.


New Member
Hey Everyone,
Thanks for all your help!!! We bought a timer for the lights and now their time is controlled. They get about 9 hours a day of light.
As for my 55 gallon tank being too small...Every fish in the tank is a baby. No one is more than two inches long. Yes, Kenny and I plan to upgrade the end of this year to a 120 or bigger.
Question...does anyone know if you can put a jeweled damsel with bi-color damsels? Would like to get one, but don't want to upset the two bi-color damels currently in the tank.
Also...if anyone tells you that more than one coral beauty in a tank is cool...NO WAY. If not for my yellow tang protecting the smaller coral beauty, things would have gotten out of hand.
By the way my yellow tang (Arwyn) is doing well, in fact she looks better than the day we bought her.
Again thanks for everyone's advice.


Active Member

Originally posted by liznkenny
As for my 55 gallon tank being too small...Every fish in the tank is a baby. No one is more than two inches long.

Still a 55 is to small for more than 1 tang and definately for a Naso Tang. I used to think that a 55 was fine until I saw my tang in a 125 gallon and just saw how much better the fish acted. What happens if you don't get a bigger tank. Then it will be that this fish have gotten used to the 55 and are happy, so it's okay. Do you quarantine your fish ? I can see a major stocking issue. You are pushing the limit with your amount of fish now and expecially since they will get bigger. I would advice against anymore fish until you upgrade to at least a 6 ft tank. Success is not 6 months in this hobby so when somebody tells you that they have 2 tangs and a dwarf angel in their 55 and all is well please realize that the fish probably have not been in the same tank for very long and probably will perish shortly after.


New Member
Thanks for your advice. Yes we do quarantine our fish when they are sick. Usually a small wound will show up which is probably from speeding in and out of the rocks. Never any evidence of aggression between any of the fish. We have started shopping for a larger tank already. We know that the tank will have to be set of for a few months before moving the fish out of the 55 and into the 120.
Yes, I have only been doing saltwater fish for six months, but have done freshwater for sometime now. Have discovered many differences and similarities. I beleive the similarites are what has brought on early success. We have had African Cichlids for some time now. I truly beleive they are one step away from saltwater fish. If you've had them then you know what I am saying.
Truly thanks for your help. It didn't take long for Kenny and I to look at the 55 gallon and say this is too small. Funny, it looks so huge when you first set it up.
Will have to post a picture of my yellow tang (once I find a safe way to photograph the fish in the tank) to show everyone how vibrant and healthy she looks. :happyfish :happyfish
Thanks, Liz