Yellow Tang has ich. Need help



Ok. My Yellow Tang has Ich. I need to get rid of it. So i use copper and treat it. But im wondering how it gets it ? I know the stress. But what caused it ? i acclimated it for 30 minutes. Then i put it in and didnt do anything. I put my hand in the tank a few times to fix somethings like little rocks that fell and stuff. Is that what caused it ? i bought it from my LFS and it was fine it was only 9.99. So i got it acclimated it , put it in and Did nothing. I hate using copper in my tank, but i dont want to make a QT. I just have rocks. Live rocks that are dead from the past. I just use it as hiding places. If i don't stick my hand in the tank for like 3 weeks, you think the ich will be gone? ill use copper and let the copper do its job. please tell me what i can do to never have ick again ? i hate ick. I have to move the carbon out and its even worse when you have a canister .. and a bunch of that stuff. I wanna know how keep ick away from my tank forever ! I've been thru it 3 times and im starting to get pissed
. ammonia , nitrate -0 , pH is 8.0 , tempature is 80, The Hydrometer says 1.023


Staff member
Copper is actually not the best choice for ich, and especially for treating a tang. The way you avoid getting ich is by quarantining your fish.
Check out the posts on Quarantine, Hyposalinity as well as ich in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.


i dont want to qt my tang. i dont have anymore equipment. I have a 10 gallon. nothing else. So copper wont work for a tang ?
So what do i do if i dont have a qt ?