Yellow Tang has translucent spots, help!


I am actually posting this for my neighbor. He has a 29 gallon tank with 4 fish in it, the tang, a strawberry pseudo, a clarki clown, and a blue damsel, about 30 lbs of live rock, an anemone, and some mushroom coral. The other fish are fine but his tang had a cloudy eye and he bought some stuff, i can't remember the exact name of it, pimfix or something like that, it was supposed to be an organic treatment for fungal and bacterial infections. After he started the treatment which lasts 7 days, the tang's eye cleared up but a day or 2 later these spots started appearing on the tang where you can like see through to his bones. I guess the spots kind of have a grayish/brownish tinge to them. Does anyone know what this might be??? And I know his tank is too small for the tang, but the LFS decided not to tell him that before he bought and wouldn't take it back after. The tang actually seemed to be happy in there and was eating until this stuff happened, now he rubs himself against the rocks where the spots are. Any help would be appreciated.


Staff member
My guess is a reaction to extremely poor environmental conditions.