Yellow Tang Hides (and a few more questions)


Hey all.... just got a yellow tang Saturday evening. The only problem is, I've only seen him about 3 times. All he does is hide.
I'm wondering if it's because I have 3 damsels (one Bluefin that's huge... like 4"), and two yellow tails. They don't seem to bother him, and he eats fine, but he doesn't do anything but hang in the corner by my fake plant. Also, my clownfish just hangs out in the corner up by the top. That bothers me a little too. (And another quick qestion.... could I put another percula clown in with him, since he lost his buddy a week ago? I've heard mixed stories on whether it'd be ok or not)
Anyone know how to cure this? Just give him time? I've read that if you get a smaller group of schooling fish (like chromis), it may bring out shy fish, but I don't want to overload my tank.
My friend is planning on taking his bluefin damsel back this weekend, and he's also offered to take the yellow tails for his 20g reef tank he's putting together. I'm probably going to give him one of the yellowtails (I kinda like the little guys). Should this help? I'd think so.
Thanks for any help....
(BTW, don't call the Tang Police..... I know, I need a bigger tank for a Tang, but he's small and it's only for a little while. I'm probably getting a 90g when my girlfriend moves into her new house. She told me she wants a tank, since I've gotten her interested in fish, and since I'll be there all the time anyway, I can take care of it, since she doesn't know how. Although she's going to learn.... I'm not gonna do it all:D )


Active Member
I think you already know the answer, but the damsels probably need to go. It's rare for them to get along with anything in a tank, much less a smaller tank. While it's not that rare for a clown to hang out in a general area, tangs are swimmers and pretty much stay on the move. Yours is not happy if it's in one place.
Remove the damsels and stick to the one clown. There are other fish that will add color and movement to your tank but you may want to wait until you get the bigger tank.
Cramped spaces and increased bioload spell disaster for tangs.
Good Luck!