yellow tang ill???


My yellow tang, which I have had for a while, and nothing new in tank, seems to have some type of black dots on him. They look like things that are stuck on him??? He seems to be fine eating well, and such! Help????


Active Member
I searched on the board and found something from beth.Be sure to go and post over in disease and treatment
But here's beth's quote
"Well, I'm thinking of black spot disease for the black dots. This is a parasitic problem, not as problematic as ich, and certainly not as lethal as velvet. It is treated with formalin baths. Since there is only 1 dot now, lets see if it re-develops, and not treated at this point."
Hope This Helps,


They seem too be on both sides of his body, very small, and they look like they are attached to him, not like a dot that would be flat on the skin. Its hard to look at him threw a magnifine glass he wont hold stiil, kind of like my two boys!!!!


Active Member
lol when my regal had his little 8 dots of ick they look like they were sticking through the skin I guess its just how bad the condition if I had to take a guess.
Hope I Helped,
P.S Beth is the doctor on here and some of the others are good too