My yellow tang is bleeding around the spine. I looked at the other fish and they have no scratches or cuts. I suspect he is cutting himself against the rocks. What should i do???
hes not really rubbing, my water is normal. there are some streaks in the upper body and a red circle around the razor spine, on both sides of his body. I dont really know what to do. At night when they sleep, they rest behind the live rock, my live rock is against the back of the wall, i suspect this may be the problem...


New Member
need treatment for tiny clear/white worms in sand and on live rock. also for small shirp like animals???. Cleaner shrimp do their job very good on yellow tang and domino . All seem happy. Small shrimp (?) were found in filter!
i found out it has red sores. im treating it with kanacyn right now. i need to know if this is life threatening to my fishy :) also its neccessary to do a water change now eh?


Staff member
You need to do top off for evaporation every day not every 3 weeks.