yellow tang losing color


this is the second time this has happened ..first one died,nitrate level high all else good(some say high nitrate not as crucial in fish only,still trying to correct though)he eats brine,krill zoo plankton and pellets

fish fry

Tangs usually need to have some type of vegetable matter in their diet. Have you tried seaweed/macroalgae/lettuce?
What are the rest of your water parameters? Most fish can handle higher levels of nitrates then corals, but tangs are noted for needing high quality water conditions. What were your nitrate readings?
Has his behavior changed at all. Sometimes fish lose their color if they are stressed out. Is there anything in the tank that could be picking on him? How big is the tank?
A little more info could help us narrow it down for you.
Fish Fry


other water levels are fine..tank is a 125 gal. tang is in there with a lunar wrasse,coral cat,dogface puffer and a huge batfish who does not bother anything but his size may be intimadating..nitrate level dark red.behavior not changed and eats well,have tried romaine lettuce doesnt seem to like it
Next time you goto the LFS pick up a bottle of.. i think it is somethin along the lines of Vita-Chem?? its a vitamin you add a drop to the food you are feeding your fish, it is GREAT, and will most likely bring his color back, not to mention boost all the fishes immune system


Active Member
The reefman brings up a very good point. I think vitamin soaked foods play a very important role in fish health. I feed all of my foods soaked in zoe, i can really see a difference in color & overall health of my fish. :) I also soak food once a week in garlic juice. I beleive both of these things really boost the fishes immune system and inhance the color(vits) and health of fish.HTH


what are your nitrate readings? dark red doesnt help we need a number. high nitrate readings can severly effect your tang. might wanna get that down.


New Member
A helping of broccoli will cure all vitamin deficiencies. Not a long term cure because it gets messy but you'll be amazed with the color change of the fish after a week of eating some greens.