Yellow Tang Pale


New Member
I bought a tang today and hes pale yellow is this normal? hes eating fine and swimming and acting normal. Hes just pale yellow instead of a healthy looking yellow...

tru conch

Active Member
stress can cause them to pale out. give the tang some time. also they will be pale or brownish when the lights first come on. if its still pale in about 1-2 weeks, check the diet. they like nori, and some frozen formula two (mostly greens)


Active Member
Originally Posted by tru conch
stress can cause them to pale out. give the tang some time. also they will be pale or brownish when the lights first come on. if its still pale in about 1-2 weeks, check the diet. they like nori, and some frozen formula two (mostly greens)
I agree with this, plus I want to add this in too. Bad water condition can cause that too! You should keep your lights off for a few hours during introduction. Feed him some algae sheets and see if he will eat for you. Place the algae sheet on the clip near the surface... :happyfish


Active Member
Definitely check your PH. If my PH drops below 8 my YT goes pale too. Makes a good indicator of your water quality without having to break out the test kit!