Yellow Tang Problem.Need advice on maybe changing the stocklist on a 220



Hey Guys ! Before I start, I would like to say thanks to everyone who has been helping me out throughout the years. I don't know what I would of done without you guys :). As for the newbies, is the best place to come for help and advice regarding your tank !
So about my tank. Its a 220 that's has been running for almost two years.I have a 55 gal refugium, with live rock. I also have a Bermuda skimmer. I have about 200 lbs of live rock. As for the stocklist I have a 6in hippo, 4 in Yellow and 4 in Purple Tang, 3 in Humu trigger, 6 in Gold Puffer ,6 in Emperor and a 4 in Sohal tang. I also have a 5 in Queen Angel,currently in my QT. I have a problem with my Yellow tang for almost 6 months now. He always fights the Purple tang,and chases him and keeps him from swimming around. He keeps him from moving from his rock.I tried to catch him and put him into the sump,but no luck,unless I remove all of my rock. So I was thinking about adding two more Yellows to even out the odds. Would it work -? Or will the Sohal go crazy and beat them up-?


Active Member
I wouldn't add any more Yellows to the mix.....I would honestly try to get the Yellow out and put him in "timeout" for a bit, and let the Purple get established and try to put him back after a bit.....More than likely if you let it go the Yellow will stress the Purple out and eventually lead to his doom.....I'd rather have the Purple over the Yellow anyways......If you do catch him maybe trade him at the LFS for a smaller Yellow.


Active Member
Very often, Yellow Tangs do well in groups of 3 or more, but not in twos. You see them in large groups at LFS all the time I've had 3 closely related Purple tangs together for over 4 years with no major problems You see them in large groups at LFS all the time. I really don't have a guess if this "trio", including the Purple would do. They are all Zebrasoma genus fish and it might work. In any case; the Sohal will be top dog and no telling how he'll he'll accept any fish, especially other tangs, as he grows.


Active Member
ur tank is pretty well stocked as it is. adding another 2 yellows would help imo, but the better solution would be try taking out the yelow tang.


Active Member
In general tangs don't get along with other same shaped tangs --- but in large groups they seem to do well in some of the larger aquariums.


Active Member
Just more drivel from my post above: I would think the tangs would be your last fish; you have a nice size tank, but most of your fish will really stock it to the limit when grown. Sohals are great fish, one of my favorites; but they hate being crowded. Cramped quarters=stress=aggrssion. However, a grown Sohal has a way of reducing the population to his personal likes.


Sorry for the late reply guys, I'm having a rough couple of days. I couldn't get to the Yellow at all, unless I dismantle all of the rocks. So I took a chance and order two more Yellows from my LFS. They're going in the QT tom. Wish me luck folks :)
Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
Sorry for the late reply guys, I'm having a rough couple of days. I couldn't get to the Yellow at all, unless I dismantle all of the rocks. So I took a chance and order two more Yellows from my LFS. They're going in the QT tom. Wish me luck folks :)
All the best, and do let us know what happened!!


I will thanx. Should I use Prazi on them in the QT-? Or just do hypo -?