Yellow Tang Question


I have had a yellow tang for about 3 weeks now and when I first got him he was pretty normal swimming around the whole tank and through the live rock and would look to be fed when someone walked by. Then about a week after I got him he started to hide ALL the time! I mean he will stay in the back of the tank behind all my lr and if he comes out and the second he see's someone move or walk by he will immediately hide in the rock or swim behind it. He doesn't even go anywhere near the top of the tank....just the bottom if at all. I even put strips of romaine lettuce in the tank and he is scared of that too! What is wrong and is this normal? All my readings are fine. I might just get rid of him because I never see him!!! Thanks for any help
[ October 05, 2001: Message edited by: Jeff903 ]
[ October 05, 2001: Message edited by: Jeff903 ]


Before I recently bought my Square Male Anthias I would have thought that something was really wrong, however my anthias was presenting the same characteristics as your tang for like 2-3 weeks. Only he was hiding behind the lip of my filter UPSIDE was really discouraging, however he did pull through and is doing really well now. I may get burned at the stake for this, however I might suggest to you a chemical called is a chemical you put in the tank when you originally introduce a new fish to the tank, it promotes healing and will kill off and prevent any secondary infections to your fish.
If you do decide to get the Paraguard please keep in mind that you will have to put in carbon bags or something of that nature to take out the residual medication after you are done or decide to stop using it.
I hope that my experience and/or my suggestion will help you out. I would definitely get a second and third opinion from some people on this board before using this medication.
Sorry for being so long winded! :)


Active Member
My experience with Yellow tangs is that they do take sometime to get fully acclamated. They are also the "canaries" of the saltwater fish world in that they will be one of the first to show any signs of conditions deteriorating in your tank. SUggest you keep up with water changes and keep an eye on him. My guess is that if there is no other signs of deterioration , he'll come through and start to show himself more. Good luck.