Yellow Tang question


Would I be able to put a yellow tang in with a coral beauty, niger trigger, and a pair of clowns? I know that they're an agressive species but I really like the color and activity of the fish.

mr . salty

Active Member
Not in a 40 gallon tank...Those would need at least a 75-90...And the trigger would probably make a snack out of the clowns...
[ November 30, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]


I think you are about maxed out in your tank. You're trigger will eventually outgrow it too.


i have a yellow tang with a coral beauty and cinnamon clown and they get along great.But i dont know about the trigger.


I think you can get away with a small Niger trigger but you have to be careful when it gets larger. I had a 5" Niger trigger with some clarkii's and it never bothered them. But you know each fish might have a little different temperment. Perc's might be a different story since they are smaller/ less aggressive. I agree that you need a bigger tank, almost double if you want to get away with your list of fish to make them comfortable.