yellow tang rapid breathing

ive had my yellow tang about 2 mo. for the last 3 days he has rapid breathing and today he wont eat. his stomach looks a bit large, when i got him he was thin with his ribs visible, has not seemed to put on any weight as of yet. been feeding flakes, frozen brine and mysis. just did water change 4 days ago, water check was good. all other fish are fine.



Staff member
He looks like he has the beginnings of a bacterial infection with the reddish fins. He is also undernourished. How often and what are you feeding him? What kind of tank set up is he in?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Beth
He looks like he has the beginnings of a bacterial infection with the reddish fins. He is also undernourished. How often and what are you feeding him? What kind of tank set up is he in?
I agree one hundred percent with Beth he is pinched do to lack of nutrition and has the markings of a bacterial infection. Beth is right on with her assessment


Staff member
Unless you have a cycled QT, you can't treat him with medications. What are your water readings in the tank? Try doing a water change. Also, the food you are offering is not good enough for a tang. This fish needs a lot of sea algae in addition to a wide variety selection of foods in his diet. He should also be offered algae sheets for grazing and feed at least 2 times a day in addition to algae for grazing.
If he is not eating, there isn't much to be done at at this point without a quarantine.
It would not be too late, if you could actually treat him with antibiotics in a quarantine tank.
what should i try to treat him with? i went to my lfs to get something to try and treat him but was told if hes not eating hes too far gone.


Active Member
Offer an algae sheet on a clip -- you can soak it in vitamins first or garlic to entice him to eat. In the wild tangs are vegatarians and graze all day on algae. I also use pellet with one of the main ingredients spiruluna which is great for tangs.
There are times my fat tang goes a day without food and gets a little sunk in belly and tanks up on food later.... but it's not a constant "pinch" and seeing ribs is definately not a good thing.... wish all the best for your tang though


Staff member
You can not treat fish with medications in the display tank without jeopardizing your entire system. This fish needs antibiotics. You can not use antibiotics in a display tank.
Try doing small water changes daily over the next 3 days and see if he starts to recover on his own. Obviously, use water that has been aged for at least 2 days. Usually fish do not get bacterial infections unless the conditions in the tank are less than optimum.
What are your water readings?
sg 1.022
ph 8.2
nitrate 10
nitrite 0
ammonia 0
been using purpleup and az-no3
put tang in qt today with maracyn-two
he is swimming up right now (before putting him in qt) offered garlic algae sheet still not eating as of yet.


Originally Posted by maryjane66979
what should i try to treat him with? i went to my lfs to get something to try and treat him but was told if hes not eating hes too far gone.

Treat him with a dose of TLC (tender loving care). Stop feeding him brine, mysis, and flake. Get a few quality frozen foods or make your own. Beth has an awesome recipe for homemade foods in her Common Treatments FAQ. Brine will fill his gut but has no nutrition. It is like feeding your kids candy every meal.
thought id give an update on my tang....he has been in qt for 4 days now, swimming alot better, breathing has slowed, he still has the buldge in his stomache and still will not eat. i honestly thought he would have died by now, guess hes a real fighter

so now my question is, the maracyn-two i been treating him with says to treat him for 5 days. so what do i do after the five days? do i continue to treat him? with the same med? do i try something else? do i leave him in qt untill he eats?


Originally Posted by maryjane66979
thought id give an update on my tang....he has been in qt for 4 days now, swimming alot better, breathing has slowed, he still has the buldge in his stomache and still will not eat. i honestly thought he would have died by now, guess hes a real fighter

so now my question is, the maracyn-two i been treating him with says to treat him for 5 days. so what do i do after the five days? do i continue to treat him? with the same med? do i try something else? do i leave him in qt untill he eats?
Does he still have the red fins? Maracyn isn't going to make him eat. You are looking for the bacterial infection to be gone. If you do need to continue with the treatment then just do a good sized water change after day five. What have you been trying to feed him? Have you tried the Nori on a clip yet? Garlic sometimes helps entice fish to eat. Cut up a clove and pour the juice onto the food.
fins are still a bit red. ive offered algae sheets with garlic extract, spirulina flakes, frozen spirulina brine shrimp, frozen "seaweed delight" , he seems very interested in the foods just not eating any of it. today is day 7 with no food.
ok so i been sitting here watching and he is eating some of the algae sheet!
so now my question...i keep him in qt untill the red is gone in his fins? what other types of food should i be feeding him? thanks for all the help.


Originally Posted by maryjane66979
ok so i been sitting here watching and he is eating some of the algae sheet!
so now my question...i keep him in qt untill the red is gone in his fins? what other types of food should i be feeding him? thanks for all the help.
That is great news!! Offer the Nori every day. Tangs are natural grazers. For meals, go with frozen formula foods without a gel binder. I use Pro Salt personally. You can also make your own. Take a look at Beth's recipe in her Common Treatments FAQ (second sticky from the top). Try to stay away from foods with little to no nutritional value such as flake, brine, and mysis.