Yellow tang sores!


My yellow tang has gotten sores all over his body over the past few weeks! He went from the pretty yellow to a dull yellow with a peach tint. Anyway he is the only one bothered by whatever it is bothering him. He now has pink sores on both sides of his body and just lays at the bottom of the tank breathing. I took him and put him in a QT tank. Can anything be done or am I gonna loose him?


Active Member
If you've got him in the QT already, a antibiotic would be a good start while you're figuring out what it is. Any open sore will be vulerable to infection even if that's not the root cause.


Well ill try to describe these sores! I never seen anything like thses before! They are on his upper back and like I said peach in color. pretty much the whole upper back. Could it possibly be that his slime is gone for some reason? Im at a complete and total loss at what is going on with him.


Im pretty sure im gonna loose him im just trying to figure out what is going on so I can prevent it from happening again. And also the levels are all good in the big tank and its 100 gallons and none of the other fish bothered him if that helps.