Yellow Tang strange behavior


I have a 2 month old 75g FOWLR. Up until last week, had 25lbs of LR, 2 Ocellaris Clowns, 1 Yellow tang. Tang and Clowns had great personality - swam all over and would come right up to glass to see me.
Last week, I added 20 more lbs of LR and a Fire Shrimp. I added the new LR and moved the other LR as well to make a beautiful wall for my pals. Clowns are continuing to do great and seem very happy. Tang has continued to stay in the corner and will not cross over into the other side of the tank. He pretty much stays in his corner all the time now. He continues to eat very well, but will only eat the food that comes on his side of the tank. This has continued for the last 4 days (since I added the new LR).
Is this normal behavior when LR (his usual hiding places) have been minorly rearranged? Will he eventually come out of this, and roam the entire tank like in the past?
FYI - Water levels continue to be ideal.
Thanks for input.


Active Member
He is probably just stressed because you messed up his territory. Yellow tangs are very territorial fish. He should adjust with time. The most important thing is that he is still eating normally.