Yellow Tang TERROR!!!



I have a yellow tang in my 75 Reef tank. EVERY time I add another fish he stings them, what can I do about this. Is it maybe a cause of death for these fish? Should I take him out? HELP!!!! :help: :help: :help: :help:


Active Member
what typw of other fish are you trying to add? your best sulution may be to return him to a LFS and then add the other fish first then get another yellow tang


Active Member
ok this advice will tick you tang off but it can be effective.before adding new fish your need to remove the tang (if this is possible to do)move a couple rocks around then ad the new fish then readd the tang.i had to do this when i purchased my female bird wrasse the male had to be added last but i owned it first.your basicly making your tang feel like its a new territiory


Active Member
Originally Posted by wanabebell
Put a desent size volitan lion in the tank
He show the tang whos boss
Yeah, I would go with unleashed's idea. Putting a decent size volitan in a 75 gallon reef tank is NEVER a good idea.


Active Member
Are you turning off your lights when adding the new fish? Thats always recommended, but if you try and turn them off an hour or so BEFORE acclimating the fish, I think you will be ok. Leave the lights OFF for the rest of the day.


Active Member
Yeah, for some reason my fish get a long with anything, and once the new fish is in the tank, they also get a long with anything. I got some really cool, expensive fish from people this way!!!! Thanks King4345!!!!!!!!