Yellow Tang turning white, what's wrong?


New Member
Help, I have a yellow tang along with three blue damsels, 3 small crabs. Have had tang for approx 1 month. All water levels OK. Introduced small live rock two days ago with existing live rock. All else looks well. The tang is showing fading around the head area and she is losing her brilliance in color. Any suggestions?


sorry to hear about her... does she eat ok?.. have you noticed the damsels picking on her at all.. they are very territorial.. and quite frankly a pain in the *&#! also how long has your tank been set up?.. yellow tangs are cool and easily become a dominant fish in a tank but if they are introduced into a tank that already has dominant fish they tend to be timid .. she maay not be eating.. i'd keep a good eye on her.. and those damsels..if you notice them bothering her make a choice the damsels or the tang.. imo.. i'd go ahead and ditch those little guys.. take them back to the lfs.. again just my opinion.. good luck in whatever you do..
As much as I like my yellow tang, it can be a real PITA, especially when adding new live rock or a fish. It always freaks out for about a day, then calms down. The last time I added LR, it went nuts, and yesterday I added a diamond goby and it did the same thing. I don't think it likes changes. <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />