Yellow Tang,Velvet Damsel!! Ick??


I woke up this morning and fed all the fish they ate great no problems but i noticed that my velvet Damsel has this white thing protruding from this mouth. the fish is completly black and blue so i would think i would notice this white thing sticking out of his mouth but apparently i missed it until a few hours later when i was clipping my love birds wings Coudl it be ick.
Now my Yellow tang has small very faint White spots on only one side of him. I really wouldn't have even noticed if he didn't come real close to the front and noticed faint spots. There both eating fine not acting weird i'm just hoping it's not ick and if there is something i can do for them. There both in a 55 gallon with a firefish,Scooter blenny, a valentini puffer, and 2 clowns. The tang the puffer and the velvet are all do for transfer in the next few weeks to my 150gallon. The Velvet is over a month a half old the tang is a month old. Nitrate,amonia is at 0 the Nitrite is at .5 to .10 gve or take ph is at 8.2.
he is eating algae and some flake food he eats like hes going out of style he isa very good eater the. He grazes on the live rock as well. Velvet eats pellets and flakes every now and then grazes on the algae


na, the last fish i added a month ago was the Yellow Tang he was the last addition to the tank he's real small maybe like 2" he has good weight eats like a pig. With the damsel it's werid it almost looks like he scraped himself on a rock or something but looking closer it looks like something is sticking out of his mouth.


Staff member
If you are seeing white spots on fish, then it comes from adding infected fish. Even a month ago.